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LU-na MO-on reflect – elektromagnetno akustična skladba / electro magneto acoustic composition

LU-na MO-on reflect – elektromagnetno akustična skladba / electro magneto acoustic composition

21. December, 2017 ob 19:00
Rastlinjak Tivoli,
Cesta 27. aprila, Ljubljana

Brane Zorman bo ob zimskem solisticiju, dobro uro po uradnem nastopu zime, v živo izvedel elektromagnetno simfonijo LU-na MO-on reflekt, v kateri uporablja in manipulira naključno ulovljena ter dekodirana elektomagnetna sevanja vesolja in jih spaja z repetativnimi vzorci akustičnih simfoničnih glasbil. Premierno izvedena skladba LU-na MO-on reflekt organsko zliva frekvence, ki v koliziji resonirajo in utripajo v zračni zvočni pokrajini.

December 21, 2017 at 19:00, Tivoli Greenhouse, Ljubljana:                              

An hour after the official onset of winter solstice 2017, Brane Zorman will perform the electromagnetic symphony composition LU-na MO-on reflect in which he uses and manipulates randomly captured and decoded electromagnetic radiations of various sources from space and combines them with repetitive samples of acoustic symphonic instruments. The premiere of the song LU-na MO-on reflect organically merges frequencies that resonate and pulsate in the airy sound landscape in a collision.



Irena Pivka / Brane Zorman HODI.TI / 2.WALK
Premiere: Thursday 12.10.2017
Reprises: Friday, 13, and Sunday 15.10. 2017
Performances (slovene, english) start at 17.00 and 18.00
Duration: 45min
Location: Park Špica, Ljubljana, Slovenia

Photo by: Nada Žgank

2.WALK is a locational multimedia performance taking place on city streets. It is designed as a sound walk, which the spectator takes on a pre-delineated path and follows it by means of a mobile app and headphones. With the help of sound images, imprinted into the location of the delineated path, she or he traverses between fictive and real situations. The performance intertwines narration and sound with space and path, and offers it thoroughly as experience. The sound image was made at the edges of the Ljubljanica river, recorded by binaural and studio microphones.

When you are walking a safe, known city path, you find it hard to imagine that women in some parts of the world do not walk alone. That individual walking is connected with inappropriate, even illicit, behaviour. At this point, the mechanisms of control for safe walking of female individuals enter the picture, in the form of social regulations, which are, and will be in near future, strengthened by the apparatuses of power, control and capital. It is exactly these apparatuses that, now and here, are tailoring our everyday walking in safe areas. Walking becomes more time-constrained, regulated, precisely determined and directed.

Group, collective walking, as a revolt and conquering of space, is a reflection of political action. What about individual walking? Can walking, as a personal and conscious choice, be the power of an individual? An intervention into the existing social system. Is it radical to walk? Walking as a possible means of resistance, so much more so when time and space are taken by a woman, the woman who has socially and, consequently, self-regulating access to the time to walk.

Link to video, Published by City of Women

Text and space: Irena Pivka,
Sound creation: Brane Zorman,
Interpreters: Irena Pivka, Petra Tanko, Igor Velše
Dramaturgic advice: Saška Rakef,
Text review: Suzana Koncut
Translation: Urban Belina
Mobile App: Vasja Progar
Production: CONA. Co-production: City of Women.



english below:

8 kanalna zvočna instalacija
Sonoretum – Galerija Kapelica
otvoritev: četrtek 8.06.2017 ob 20:00 – 30.06.2017

‘ElektroMagnetikSpektrum’ je zvočnemu okolju Sonoretuma prilagojen del skladbe EMS Memory Trackers (2016). Avtor iz položajev in barvnih konstelacij osončij, sonc, planetov, iz neskončnega fluksa elektromagnetnega sevanja, ki kot oddaljeni eho spominov kontinuirano sipajo radiacijo iz zunanjega dela vesolja, zajema in transformira elektromagnetne informacije ter jih pretvarja v naše zelo omejeno slišno območje.

Neslišno in nevidno, navidezno brez strukture, kontinuirani fluks minulega časa pulzira in seva ter se kot množica X oslabljenih in razdrobljenih segmentov vrača, odbija, absorbira v telesih, na katera naključno trči. Avtor mrežo nezaznavnih sevanj in pozicij neba nad nami vidi in vzpostavlja kot notno črtovje, kot večdimenzionalno platno, na katerem konstelacije zvezd, galaksij različnih velikosti, gostot, barv in intenzivnosti tvorijo matrico, po kateri se z različnimi hitrostmi na različnih globinah premikajo časovni skenerji. Vzorci neba mu služijo kot metrični, narativni in dramaturški elementi, ki jim v skladbi spontano sledi, na njih reagira in jih zvočno mapira z vnaprej pripravljenimi moduli posnetkov elektromagnetnih sevanj, njihovih mutacij in modulacij. Tako mapira, zasleduje in naredi slišne trenutne pulze šuma, tiste večno prisotne, a le občasno dekodirane oddaljene krike, spomine in podobe nepredstavljivih dimenzij in aktivnosti daljnega in minulega časa.

Zvočna skulptura ‘ElektroMagnetikSpektrum‘ transcendira posnetke EM radijskih valov, ki so bili posneti z različnimi radijskimi sprejemniki in nas zdaj kot tančica pokrijejo v prostoru časovne kapsule Sonoretuma.

Dogodek je del mednarodnega projekta ‘Evropska mreža digitalne umetnosti in znanosti’. Program podpirajo: EU – Ustvarjalna Evropa, Ministrstvo za kulturo RS, MOL – Oddelek za kulturo.


8 channel audio installation
Sonoretum – Kapelica Gallery, Ljubljana
opening: Thursday, 8.06.2017 at 20:00 – 30.06.2017

‘ElektroMagnetikSpektrum’ is part of the ‘EMS Memory Trackers‘ composition (2016), edited to suit the 8-channel sonic environment of Sonoretum. Based on the positions and colour constellations of solar systems, stars, planets and the endless flux of electromagnetic radiation, scattering radiation like so many ancient echoes, the author collects and transforms electromagnetic information and translates them to the very limited spectrum of the human audible range.

The event is part of the ‘European Digital Art and Science Network‘ project. Co-funded by: Creative Europe programme of the European Union, Ministry of Culture of the Republic of Slovenia and Municipality of Ljubljana – Department for Culture


Presentations, lectures and discussion at:
Thursday 18. 6. 2015 18:00 – 21:30
Dittrichova 9/337, Prague 2, CZ

Eric Leonardson: Our Sonic Playground: A Model for Active Engagement in Urban Soundscapes
A public event that proposes a model for active, public participation in soundscape awareness. For those who are new to acoustic ecology and the experiential basis of its pedagogy, this practical template or ‘recipe’ may help others organise their own events aimed at active engagement in sound, listening, and environment. While offering practical suggestions for getting started, I also address some relevant issues regarding a broader cultural discourse of sound in the arts and sciences. Eric Leonardson is a Chicago-based composer, radio artist, sound designer, instrument inventor, improvisor, visual artist, and teacher. He is Adjunct Associate Professor in the Department of Sound at The School of the Art Institute of Chicago, President of the World Forum for Acoustic Ecology, founder and co-chair of the Midwest Society for Acoustic Ecology, and co-founder and Executive Director of the World Listening Project.

Brane Zorman: Re-planting the sound(s), where sound and location collide
The aspects and possible interpretations/understanding based on CONA’s soundwalk and soundmap projects Walk the City and Field Frequency Field”: carefully chosen recorded content (sounds, narration, effects) relate to historical, social, political, cultural facts or interpretations. They are combined to form and open reflection on context, content, location, time and when, as such, are re-planted on the same (or other locations) in the form of a soundwalk or soundmap, they merge and un-hide different layers of reality, form new shifted relations, transposed contexts, pitched understandings.” Brane Zorman (Slovenia) is a composer, sound and radio artist, sound manipulator and producer. His work examines and explores the possibilities of processing, presenting, perceiving, understanding, positioning, manipulating and reinterpreting the sound and space. With Irena Pivka he cofounded CONA Institute for contemporary art processing which produces radioCona, Field Frequency Flux projects among others. He is program selector for ZVO.ČI.TI ( series project, curates sound art exhibitions, publishes artist’s books.

Peter Cusack: Aral Sea Stories: Dariga, golden carp, untraceable artists who restore fishermen to ships stranded in the desert and other tales
Fifty years ago the Aral Sea in Central Asia was the planet’s fourth largest lake. In the decades since it has virtually disappeared; a victim of the irrigation schemes that extract most of the water from its feeder rivers. Since May 2013 I have made three trips to the Aral to make field recordings, take photographs and talk to people there. It is a difficult, but fascinating, place to try to record. During this talk I will tell stories, play recordings, show images from my visits.
Peter Cusack works as a field recordist with a special interest in environmental sound and acoustic ecology. Projects include community arts, researches into sound and our sense of place and documentary recordings in areas of special sonic interest (Lake Bajkal, Siberia). His project Sounds From Dangerous Places explores soundscapes at sites of major environmental damage – Chernobyl exclusion zone; Caspian oil fields; UK nuclear sites. He describes the use of sound to investigate documentary issues as sonic journalism.

Lloyd Dunn:
a regular series of filecasts and an online presence.
Lloyd Dunn is a founding member of the experimental intermedia group The Tape-beatles, and publisher and editor of several small-circulation magazines such as Photostatic and Retrofuturism. Starting in the 1980s, he has worked in many mediums, including film, video, audio, print, and web applications. Since 2009 his main project has been nula which is continually updated with new sound works, movies, photographs, and essays.

Helena Štorchová: Arctic Ecology, or Alaskan Warming
What is the significance of the extreme, rather than average temperature for the ecology of the North and what is its impact on ecosystems?
RNDr. Helena Štorchová, PhD is a specialist in plant molecular biology and she works at the Institute of Experimental Botany of the Czech Republic. She mainly concentrates on the genetic basis of flowering plants, research of mitochondrial DNA and on general evolutionary biology. From 2002 to 2003 she received a Fulbright scholarship, which allowed her to stay at the University of Alaska, Fairbanks and still cooperates intensively with this northernmost university in the world. Externally lectures at the Faculty of Charles University in Prague and at the University of South Bohemia in the Czech Budějovice.

Dagmar Šubrtová: Frontiers of Solitude
The project confronts the context of unprecedented transformation of northern and global ecosystems to seek out and form new relationships between ethical, aesthetic, political, ecological, economic and thermodynamic concerns related to the idea of septentrional. It is a joint initiative between three partners: Gallery Školská 28, Atelier Nord in Oslo, and Skaftfell Centre for Visual Art in eastern Iceland.
Project supported by a grant from Iceland, Liechtenstein and Norway through the EEA Grants and co-financed by the Ministry of Culture Czech Republic, Municipal of Prague.

Conceived and organized by Školská 28 and Tranzitdisplay in collaboration with Asociace MLOK and Agosto Foundation.

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