Archive For The “Live perfromances” Category

Reclaiming Time –  ElektroMagnetikSpektrum @ SOUND CAMPUS at Ars Electronica Festival 2020

Reclaiming Time – ElektroMagnetikSpektrum @ SOUND CAMPUS at Ars Electronica Festival 2020

Thursday, 10 Sep 2020 at 21.55
part of the project SOUND CAMPUS -> Ars Electronica Festival 2020

SOUND CAMPUS is a new program of Kunstuniversität Linz especially oriented towards examining the state of experimental sound practices at universities and research centers. It opens a possibility for students and researchers to present new forms of understanding sonic art to the big audience of Ars Electronica Festival.

Reclaiming Time – ElektroMagnetikSpektrum (2019-2020) is part of the authors continuously evolving ”EMS Series” exploring the unknow, untracked unmapped and unheard fluxes and moments in time from distant deep space past glued and treated with recorded radiation forms created by human activities.

Reclaiming Time – ElektroMagnetikSpektrum is based on various wide radioband recordings and live inputs from pointing at positions and colour constellations of our and other solar systems, stars, planets, and endless flux of scattering electromagnetic radiation of past thus tracing distant echoes that might appear only once in a timelapse of our universes before they wanish or tranform into other forms of enery or radiation. The author sees his position as a spectrum realtime content manipulator. As a EMS curator or even intercepting medium distributor he creates environment to collect, transforms and remodulates electromagnetic information by using different software and hardware tools translating them to that very narrow and limited human audible range spectrum.

Ice Breakers. A Group Improvisation Under The Leading Boštjan Perovšek

Ice Breakers. A Group Improvisation Under The Leading Boštjan Perovšek

Pre:gon zime [Winter Exor:cism] @ radioCona:ICEbreakerFM (2018)

Main live sound art event at the 10th anniversary of radioCona with selected local female and male sound artists.
Tuesday, 13th February , 8PM – 10PM
Kino Šiška, dvorana Komuna
retransmission on radioCona 88.8 MHz and Radio Študent 89.3 MHz

Amper-o-mat Kriptoplazma
beepblip AMonFM & SDR
Bojana Šaljič Podešva Sense of Ice
Brane Zorman LU-na MO-on reflekt
Ice Breakers – Group improvisation directed by Boštjan Perovšek

Click and Listen to: EMS Memory Trackers, Live at Spektrum – Berlin 17. Sept 2017

Click and Listen to: EMS Memory Trackers, Live at Spektrum – Berlin 17. Sept 2017

Yet another, but unique recording of my piece EMS Memory Trackers, recorded in Spektrum, Berlin in 2017.

Sunday 17. september 2017
SPEKTRUM | art sciencecommunity
Bürknerstraße 12
12047 Berlin

Doors: 20:00
Start time: 20:30
Free entrance

Evening program:

Brane Zorman: EMS Memory Trackers
Electronics, computers, converters, analogue and digital SDR radio receivers

Boris Baltschun and Joe Kudirka: BAKU
Guitar and Analog Synthesizer, some objects, and Bass and Piano in absentia
Joe Kudirka:
Boris Baltschun:

Performance kindly supported by the Embassy of the Republic of Slovenia in Berlin.
CONA program is supported by the Department for Culture at the Municipality of Ljubljana, selected projects supported by the Ministry of Culture RS

LU-na MO-on reflect – elektromagnetno akustična skladba / electro magneto acoustic composition

LU-na MO-on reflect – elektromagnetno akustična skladba / electro magneto acoustic composition

21. December, 2017 ob 19:00
Rastlinjak Tivoli,
Cesta 27. aprila, Ljubljana

Brane Zorman bo ob zimskem solisticiju, dobro uro po uradnem nastopu zime, v živo izvedel elektromagnetno simfonijo LU-na MO-on reflekt, v kateri uporablja in manipulira naključno ulovljena ter dekodirana elektomagnetna sevanja vesolja in jih spaja z repetativnimi vzorci akustičnih simfoničnih glasbil. Premierno izvedena skladba LU-na MO-on reflekt organsko zliva frekvence, ki v koliziji resonirajo in utripajo v zračni zvočni pokrajini.

December 21, 2017 at 19:00, Tivoli Greenhouse, Ljubljana:                              

An hour after the official onset of winter solstice 2017, Brane Zorman will perform the electromagnetic symphony composition LU-na MO-on reflect in which he uses and manipulates randomly captured and decoded electromagnetic radiations of various sources from space and combines them with repetitive samples of acoustic symphonic instruments. The premiere of the song LU-na MO-on reflect organically merges frequencies that resonate and pulsate in the airy sound landscape in a collision.

Moon Pong – Ping.Ping a test planned on Dec 30, 2016

Moon Pong – Ping.Ping a test planned on Dec 30, 2016

A project by Brane Zorman and Hakan Lidbo

Welcome to the biggest interactive game ever created by a human being

Moon Pong – Ping.Ping is planned to become the largest interactive game that was ever created, with the largest natural outreach delivered and accepted trails (ie. the transmitted, received and recorded radio signal) based on EME (Earth-Moon-Earth) communications. Initiated by artists Brane Zorman and Hakan Lidbo Moon Pong – Ping.Ping is set to cross international and space borders by-passing physical limits and creating an enormously vast playground field where EME radio amateur community plays a crucial role in projects realization.

For more deatiled information about the Moon Pong – Ping.Ping project please go to

During extensive testing and code (node.js) development by slovenian programmers Slavko Glamočanin and Gregor Žigon have finally installed and successfully launched the custom application that can track various location activities (EME members at their hash locations) and simultaneously calculate the distance and time response according to virtual time 0 to avoid wrong results and point after players press “received” button. The code was originally made by swedish programmer    who is partner in team with Hakan Lidbo, but was completely rewritten as for this first initial test phase we needed an application with specific features.

On december 30, 2016 in the early afternoon we have launched a Moon Pong – Ping.Ping test game with 7 players on different locations. After some expected technical issues and solved login problems we started game at 1.25 CET+1, The test run for about 10 minutes with no difficulties whatsoever but then we had to stop and cancel further gaming and testing because of players other schedules. The whole project process was commented live and video of screen activities was recorded to be glued together with almost no editing. The video was broadcasted to a broader audience live on CONA YouTube channel same day at 22.00 (GMT+1).

You can watch video documentary here:

Moon Pong – Ping.Ping a project by Brane Zorman and Hakan Lidbo

Moon Pong – Ping.Ping a project by Brane Zorman and Hakan Lidbo

I am glad to announce a new project that is in the development since July 2016 with Hakan Lidbo partnering with programmer Per-Olov Jernberg and me powered with programmers Slavko Glamočanin and Gregor Žigon, with Silvo Obrul an active member of Slovenj Gradec radio amateur club as a EME consultant and operator on the ground.

We will post news and updates here but first few words about the Moon Pong – Ping.Ping project:

Moon Pong – Ping.Ping is planned to become the largest interactive game that was ever created, with the largest natural outreach delivered and accepted trails (ie. the transmitted, received and recorded radio signal) based on EME (Earth-Moon-Earth) communications. Initiated by artists Brane Zorman and Hakan Lidbo Moon Pong – Ping.Ping is set to cross international and space borders by-passing physical limits and creating an enormously vast playground field where EME radio amateur community plays a crucial role in projects realization.

The Field:

Moon Pong – Ping.Ping play field is measured a whooping 384.000 (Earth-Moon distance) x 6,371km (radius of the planet Earth), not counting in that gets “lost” or bounced to outer space, as for the moment we believe there is no one that would join our game from there.

This project aims to bridge and cross fields of art, science and radio amateurism creating interesting and fruitful experience for everyone involved. While creating this project we were led by desire to play, explore, discover, connect and merge art methodologies with communities dealing with electromagnetic radiation and space exploration.

The Game:

By using special radio protocols and frequencies used in their daily operations, EME radio amateurs, amateur clubs and organizations around the world use targeted and computer controlled radio antennas (with diameter of 8m or more) and operate them with a laser sharp precision to send / receive Morse code identification messages to the Moon.

Player ie. server sends out Moon Pong Ball Morse radio signal pointed straight to the Moon. From the lunar surface it bounces in various directions – some heading back to the Earth while most of it gets lost in the space. Bounced signal collides with atmosphere, clouds, winds and other factors when weakened returns to Earth’s surface dispersed across a vast area (eg. Europe , Africa, Asia, the Middle East, America,..).

Spread around the globe EME radio amateurs are waiting and listening to the Moon Pong Ball bounce as it arrives around 2,5 seconds later. When they recognize and identify its sender they trigger their controllers. Players actions get through the process of verification and seconds later winner is announced and score gets updated. The last winner becomes a new server and the game continues for another 60 minutes.

The winner of the game becomes first Moon Pong – Ping.Ping champion. He or she holds the title till the next game is announced and played.

Stay tuned for further announcements here.

Magma, Springs and Bugs – live performances by Eric Leonardson, Brane Zorman and Petr Nikl

Eric Leonardson, Brane Zorman and Petr Nikl performed at Školská 28, Prague, on Wednesday, June 17, 2015 @ 19:00. Concert is part of minisymposium LISTENING AROUND THE CORNER which will take place the next day June 18th from 6 to 9.30 at Tranzitdisplay Gallery. Evening program: Eric Leonardson: Solo for Springboard The Springboard is an experimental instrument…

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