Archive For December 14, 2017

Click and Listen to: EMS Memory Trackers, Live at Spektrum – Berlin 17. Sept 2017

Click and Listen to: EMS Memory Trackers, Live at Spektrum – Berlin 17. Sept 2017

Yet another, but unique recording of my piece EMS Memory Trackers, recorded in Spektrum, Berlin in 2017.

Sunday 17. september 2017
SPEKTRUM | art sciencecommunity
Bürknerstraße 12
12047 Berlin

Doors: 20:00
Start time: 20:30
Free entrance

Evening program:

Brane Zorman: EMS Memory Trackers
Electronics, computers, converters, analogue and digital SDR radio receivers

Boris Baltschun and Joe Kudirka: BAKU
Guitar and Analog Synthesizer, some objects, and Bass and Piano in absentia
Joe Kudirka:
Boris Baltschun:

Performance kindly supported by the Embassy of the Republic of Slovenia in Berlin.
CONA program is supported by the Department for Culture at the Municipality of Ljubljana, selected projects supported by the Ministry of Culture RS

LU-na MO-on reflect – elektromagnetno akustična skladba / electro magneto acoustic composition

LU-na MO-on reflect – elektromagnetno akustična skladba / electro magneto acoustic composition

21. December, 2017 ob 19:00
Rastlinjak Tivoli,
Cesta 27. aprila, Ljubljana

Brane Zorman bo ob zimskem solisticiju, dobro uro po uradnem nastopu zime, v živo izvedel elektromagnetno simfonijo LU-na MO-on reflekt, v kateri uporablja in manipulira naključno ulovljena ter dekodirana elektomagnetna sevanja vesolja in jih spaja z repetativnimi vzorci akustičnih simfoničnih glasbil. Premierno izvedena skladba LU-na MO-on reflekt organsko zliva frekvence, ki v koliziji resonirajo in utripajo v zračni zvočni pokrajini.

December 21, 2017 at 19:00, Tivoli Greenhouse, Ljubljana:                              

An hour after the official onset of winter solstice 2017, Brane Zorman will perform the electromagnetic symphony composition LU-na MO-on reflect in which he uses and manipulates randomly captured and decoded electromagnetic radiations of various sources from space and combines them with repetitive samples of acoustic symphonic instruments. The premiere of the song LU-na MO-on reflect organically merges frequencies that resonate and pulsate in the airy sound landscape in a collision.

It is in My Nature @ Respublika! – A Cypriot community media arts festival

It is in My Nature @ Respublika! – A Cypriot community media arts festival

Respublika! A Cypriot community media arts festival, NeMe Arts Center, curator Nico Carpenter++++

As certain spaces and times have become over-saturated, due to urbanization and the population explosion, certain (animal) species have began withdrawing to underpopulated landscapes and unoccupied times – into the night. We understand these withdrawals as a search for solutions that could lead to a ‘better quality of life’, an existence that would be better than the one offered to us by over-saturated spaces-times.

Because of the culling, disease, shrinking of the natural habitat and living environment of the already decimated wolf packs, humans are counting wolf packs and its members, mapping their paths, statistically recording their minimal growth or decline. While researchers and volunteers try to count wolfs’ current population on the terrain on the one hand, demands by stock breeders, hunter organizations, illegal shootings by wild hunters, numerous traffic accidents after wolfs crossing roads at night-time are constantly reducing those numbers on the other hand. A cynical paradox, so present and embedded in human society, shows its real face here as well: first, we take their land and resources; then we limit their numbers according to remained territories; and at the very end, classifying them as endangered species, we launch calls to protect them.

With the above mentioned, Zorman approached his It’s in My Nature composition creating a sound work as a fluctuating collective echoing night scream against loneliness, despair, solitude, isolation and surrender.


Also presented at Respublika! festival was 

wolFMoon howling

by Irena Pivka (concept, video and illustrations)
Brane Zorman (conduction and composition),
Irena Pivka, Jasmina Založnik (text)
Sunčan Stone (photo and video sources)

More information about wolFMoon howling project

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