Steklenik – gallery for sound, bioacoustics and art – the opening
Saturday, 20. 10. 2018, at 12.00 AM (noon)
Steklenik opened with eight channel sound exhibition by Boštjan Perovšek: Bugs, a Walrus and a Door – Steklenik 2018
Steklenik, gallery for sound, bioacoustics and art is an art programme in the space of Tivoli Greenhouse. It addresses works that are connecting art and science practices through sonic research of nature and environment. Presented artworks range from bioacoustics, sound ecology, soundscapes, sound art, etc. They are intended for curious public, interested in joint experience of botanic observation and listening to the current artwork from Steklenik programme.
Steklenik is a cross-pollinating space for creation, research, and presentation of artworks, exhibitions, performances and accompanying events. It offers insight in creative and research processes. It addresses the public, interested in cohabitation of space, environment, nature and its entities in holistic ecosystems. Through activities we research the perception and understanding of these phenomena and the way of their formation via sound and listening. Listening to such artworks in the space, intended for the study of botanic biodiversity, enriches the experience and enables the connection of nature and art.
Greenhouse is an exhibition space that enables good conditions for the growth, research and admiring of selected botanical organisms. If we observe it through the aspect of space, such structure is similar to the spaces of art production; theatre, gallery, concert hall, radio… The connection between both contents, the botanical and the sound art, is an interesting example of intermingling of science and art.
Steklenik is a partnership project of Cona Institute and University Botanic Gardens Ljubljana. Cona technically equipped and installed sound system in the east wing of the Tivoli Greenhouse, in which the programme of the gallery is offered. University Botanic Gardens Ljubljana provide the space capacities and collaborates in formation of connections between the scientific and artistic way of doing research and creation. Together we form a new connective space. Selected, created, and presented artworks are tackling the questions of sound, ecology, space, and introduce the audience to different ways of listening.
Concept and Management:
Irena Pivka e-mail: irena(at)cona.si
Brane Zorman e-mail: brane(at)cona.si
Organisation and Communications:
Katarina Radaljac e-mail: katarina(at)cona.si
Botanical Garden Representatives:
Dr. Jože Bavcon, Blanka Ravnjak, MA
Steklenik is supported by Ministry of Culture RS and Municipality of Ljubljana Culture.
For past and current exhibitions, sound events, workshops go to Steklenik web site