Thursday, 10 Sep 2020 at 21.55
part of the project SOUND CAMPUS -> Ars Electronica Festival 2020
SOUND CAMPUS is a new program of Kunstuniversität Linz especially oriented towards examining the state of experimental sound practices at universities and research centers. It opens a possibility for students and researchers to present new forms of understanding sonic art to the big audience of Ars Electronica Festival.
Reclaiming Time – ElektroMagnetikSpektrum (2019-2020) is part of the authors continuously evolving ”EMS Series” exploring the unknow, untracked unmapped and unheard fluxes and moments in time from distant deep space past glued and treated with recorded radiation forms created by human activities.
Reclaiming Time – ElektroMagnetikSpektrum is based on various wide radioband recordings and live inputs from pointing at positions and colour constellations of our and other solar systems, stars, planets, and endless flux of scattering electromagnetic radiation of past thus tracing distant echoes that might appear only once in a timelapse of our universes before they wanish or tranform into other forms of enery or radiation. The author sees his position as a spectrum realtime content manipulator. As a EMS curator or even intercepting medium distributor he creates environment to collect, transforms and remodulates electromagnetic information by using different software and hardware tools translating them to that very narrow and limited human audible range spectrum.